Embracing Change: The Parallel Evolution of Digital Advertising and CTV in Higher Education Marketing

Let’s shed some light on a transformative trend in the marketing landscape—one that echoes the skepticism faced by digital advertising a decade ago.

Just as higher education institutions initially hesitated to adopt digital advertising, we find ourselves on the cusp of a similar crossroads with Connected TV (CTV).

Approximately a decade ago, the idea of digital advertising was met with resistance in higher education circles. Many institutions were slow to embrace this innovative approach, clinging to traditional methods that had proven successful in the past. The digital landscape, however, evolved rapidly, and those who hesitated to adapt found themselves at a disadvantage.

Today, we stand at a comparable juncture with Connected TV. Like its digital predecessor, CTV is poised to revolutionize how we reach and engage with prospective students. CTV offers an immersive and personalized experience that aligns with the preferences of today’s tech-savvy audience. Just as digital advertising became an integral part of our marketing strategies, neglecting the potential of CTV could be a significant missed opportunity.

Here are key reasons why incorporating CTV into higher education marketing plans is not just beneficial but essential:

  1. Changing Consumer Behavior: With the proliferation of streaming services, traditional television viewership is decreasing, especially among younger generations. CTV provides a direct channel to engage with this audience where they spend a significant amount of their time.
  2. Personalized Content Delivery: CTV allows for highly targeted and personalized content delivery. Institutions can tailor messages to specific demographics, ensuring that their marketing efforts resonate with diverse audiences.
  3. Measurable ROI: As with digital advertising, CTV offers robust analytics and tracking capabilities. Institutions can measure the impact of their campaigns in real-time, enabling data-driven decision-making and optimizing marketing strategies for better results. With a performance platform like @AmbioEdu, tracking can be even more granular allowing for one-to-one attribution measurement.
  4. 4 Hyper-Precise Targeting: CTV empowers institutions with the ability to execute hyper-precise targeting, reaching prospective students and their families in their homes. This includes the capability to narrow down targeting to specific high schools and layering in crucial demographic data for a more refined and effective outreach strategy. 
  5. Enhanced Brand Visibility: CTV provides a unique opportunity to showcase the values, culture, and achievements of higher education institutions in a visually compelling way. This medium can significantly enhance brand visibility and recognition.
  6. Staying Ahead of the Curve: Just as early adopters of digital advertising gained a competitive edge, those who embrace CTV now position themselves as innovators in the higher education marketing landscape. This forward-thinking approach can contribute to long-term success.


Much like the skepticism surrounding digital advertising a decade ago, CTV is currently met with hesitancy. However, history has shown us that embracing change is pivotal for staying relevant and competitive. Exploring the potential of CTV in our higher education marketing plans starts by recognizing it as the next frontier in reaching and captivating our target audience.

If you’re interested in delving deeper into this topic, we would love to share insights on how CTV can be a game-changer for higher education marketing strategies.

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